Tag Archives for " entrepreneurial shift "

Perform World Class To Solve Mental Health

Mental Health

You or your loved one might be living with a mental health challenge. If not, it’s in your community and you see it on the news. The president of the United States convened a mental health symposium and now communities are doing similarly. The health of Americans and people throughout the world is vital to socioeconomic exponential growth. Besides eliminating terrorism, health is everyone’s highest priority. Families, businesses, communities, schools, and the economy thrives when we are well.

We all need to work together to solve this health crisis not turn a blind eye, be scared, or frightened. Being a strong mental health advocate, having toured community residential care facilities (CRCF), training police officers, and speaking with anyone who wants to solve this crisis is essential to make better lives and save lives. We’ve progressed from institutionalization, to living in society, and for some making a real living doing meaningful work that doesn’t waste their talent.

We want your voice as it is important we all work together (patient centered care, collaboration, understanding, and cooperation) to solve this crisis as Americans and global citizens. Here’s my voice to help and grow people:

1. If there isn’t a cure, we need to educate patients for better patient outcomes. If there is a cure for any medical condition, then the patient doesn’t receive education.

2. We need to take side effect(s) and allergic reaction(s) out of medication and/or other treatments. We need performing world class doctors, businesses, entrepreneurs, and government making it easier to make advancements in this initiative. Too many people are struggling and/or suffering. What are some of the side effect(s) and allergic reaction(s)?

1. Frightened your life is in jeopardy
2. No sex drive
3. Suicidal thoughts

It’s time for individualized medicine. Know in advance whether or not a medication will cause a side effect or allergic reaction in a patient. Not give it to the patient to see if they experience a side effect or allergic reaction and then change the medication. This causes trauma and costs skyrocket in mental health care.

Some doctors need to stop yelling at their patients. Your patient interaction and communication has a tremendous effect on your patient’s well-being. Why are you a doctor? If a doctor can’t do this then they need to do another job. Have a robust (real) conversation(s) with your patient. You’ll enjoy your job/work more and deliver better patient outcomes (a real miracle).

3. Create positive interaction and communication (family and/or select friends) by asking a loved one what their dreams are and love them by helping, assisting, coaching, and mentoring them to accomplish and succeed in living their dreams and exciting goals. One way a patient can be positive towards themselves is by asking positive questions such as:

1. Why do I live my dreams and exciting goals?
2. Why am I the best in the world?
3. Why do I perform world class?
4. Why am I a humanitarian first?

We need more than the words, “you can” for positive interaction and communication. Run from negativity. Talk and think positive to one another.  Approach people the right way.

4. Eat right. You’ve probably heard eat a larger portion of vegetables and fruits with meals than meat (protein) and carbohydrates. Put a lemon in your water and eat the lemon afterwards to balance the acid and alkaline levels in your body. It will make you feel and look thinner (not bloated). Here’s more on why from Tony Robbins, .

5. Meditate at a time convenient for you. It works to clear your mind and gain clarity on what you want to accomplish. Being attentive to your breath while meditating is the key. There is meditation music on YouTube.

6. Walk every day for at least thirty minutes at the best time for you. Think “glide” while you walk. Walking creates reactions in your body for optimal wellbeing and longevity. Include a hill and downhill in your route, if possible. Stretch afterwards and consistently learn how to do stretches for muscle flexibility and strength. If you have chronic pain, I highly recommend the exercises in the book, Pain Free, by Pete Egosque. To make sure you’re moving right make an appointment with a physiology functional trainer. Tell them your goals and measure your progress.

7. For those who want to work, we need to make meaningful employment happen so we don’t waste talent. This would require reasonable accommodations and patients’ doctors, therapists, counselors (healthcare team) to include family and the patient’s employer working closely together for your company to benefit from talent and make your employee a better life. Help them gain independence. Everyone involved will receive more fulfillment than you could possibly imagine.

8. There is no such thing as “tough love”. Show people with mental health challenges and their family real love by really loving them. Remember, love is the force and bond that defeats any form of evil. Find ways to love each other more. It’s the right thing to do.

9. It’s time for advancements in humanness, medicine, and technology to exponentially progress from ambulatory and functional medicine to the next level of medicine, better patient outcomes for optimal health/performance and longevity.

Make better lives by performing world class to win more and live a robust life. It’s very rewarding, enjoyable, and fun. The American people and people throughout the world deserve a robust standard of living and life.  We want your voice to solve the mental health crisis in America and globally.

Transform Your Performance: Leadership Mood Chairs

“Create business with performance and/or entrepreneurial leadership shifts.” – Raj Gavurla
When you communicate is your body language congruent with your word choice?  Similar to the Pareto Principle, 20% of the people in your organization do 80% of the work, the words you use (20%) have 80% of the meaning. Therefore, the words have more meaning than body language.  Since most people aren’t professional actors, you aren’t always congruent with your body language and words.  The application of Leadership Mood Chairs with a skilled facilitator creates robust conversation (has more value and saves time), solves conflict, and creates the following ROI depending on how well you use it:

Standard Costs Measured:
Wasted Opportunity
Lost Time – Due To Absenteeism
Lost Opportunity – Due To Absenteeism
Staff Turnover
Related Legal Support
Non-Legal Support

Innovation Costs Measured:
Lack of New Ideas and Innovation
Reduced Creativity
Diminished Problem Solving Capacity
Lost Opportunities
Degraded Decision
Quality Change
Resistant Team
Difficulty in Pivots
Market Entry Delays
Focus on Productivity is Diminished
Lack of Sense of Urgency
Quality of Product or Service
Diminished Reputation; re: Employees & Prospective Employees
Employees & Prospective Employees
Incompetence Tolerated / Team Complacency
Lowered Job Motivation and Productivity
Demotivated Staff Due to Lack of Progress
Loss of Core Skilled Employees
Reduced Innovation Premium on Company Value
Erosion of Shareholder Value

Are you seeing more of this because of stress, performance anxiety, tension, and mood?

Body Language and Word Choice

entrepreneurial shift and performance shift

Share performance and/or entrepreneurial leadership shift(s) in your organization and in your group(s). Each person might apply, customize, and implement the shift(s). How does an idea flow?

Sports Teams

Speed sessions so everyone has a voice. Why not have everyone contributing 100%? You have intelligent people who aren’t contributing because of conflict, intimidation, and/or status.  This might be for something greater or to solve an issue that has been blown out of proportion.

sports chairs

Win championships with champion’s mentality speed sessions to build your team’s, players (athletes), groups of players, coaches, groups of coaches, and groups of coaches and players performance mental skills.

Leadership Mood Chairs


You’ll be more aware of your body language and word choice after using Leadership Mood Chairs.  It’s an advanced performance tool applied to specific situations.

Writing Transform Your Performance: Who Are You Becoming?

Who Are You Becoming?

Dear Reader,

I’d like to invite you to pre-order your copy of my upcoming book, Transform Your Performance: Who Are You Becoming?  https://publishizer.com/transform-your-performance-who-are-you-becoming/

I’m excited to be using Publishizer, a new crowd-publishing platform that connects me directly with potential publishers.  https://publishizer.com/transform-your-performance-who-are-you-becoming/

Pre-order your copy to help me attract a publisher and receive pre-order rewards from me, like getting your name thanked inside the book.

Thank you for your support!


Who Are You Becoming?

“Who are you becoming? – Raj Gavurla


who are you becoming

In my speaking, coaching, and teaching my clients and audiences want to transform their performance to make progress.  Many have had successes and some have adversity or had adversity before they became who they currently are.  They need help with performance goals and situations unique to them.

Most people started in a profession and progressed within or into another profession and endeavor.  To help you make progress in who you are becoming there are four areas needing development and progress:

1.  Learning is the catalyst for positive change.  Change is occurring and the ability to learn and its application is essential to make progress.  What are you learning?  What are you applying your uniqueness to?

2.  Building trustworthy relationships means we have a marketplace with services and products.  How are you deciding the best services and products for you and who do you need to build trustworthy relationships with to evolve?

3.  Which services, products, and events will you buy and participate in?  You need to spend your time and money wisely in the best places for you.

4.  Create an experience for the marketplace to experience, buy, and participate in your services, products, and events.

Consistently do these four action items to transform your performance to make progress.  Enjoy the process and select the best opportunities for you.

Four Mental Constructs To Be The Best

Be The Best

 “Live Your Great Dreams, Focused Best Vision, Mission, and Goals – They Become Greater.” – RAJ GAVURLA

Daily you position services and products as the best so a client and/or prospect buys to develop and grow their business. Throughout the day we interact with family, colleagues, clients, prospects, community, and friends. There are rankings for the best in a specific industry, sports team, car, humanitarian of the year, person of the year, and so on. Regardless of ranking, one needs to continue progressing to determine who or what is the best. That’s why you research, create services and products, market, sell, or play the football, basketball, soccer, and tennis season to determine who is the best.

Four Constructs To Be The Best:

1. Mental
Learning is the catalyst for positive change. It creates new mental constructs for you to apply. Apply the learning. Learning comes in many forms: books, family, watching a professional speaker, class, interview, tv, movie, friends, and other peoples’ experiences. Develop and grow your mental strength and learn how to learn.

2. Emotional
Because we interact and have relationships with others we need the best emotion so we can be of the most value. Peaking at the right time and not too early or too late is a skill needing honing. Clean out the emotional baggage. Your relationships will be good.

3. Physical
By eating right (nutrition) and exercising you optimize your mental abilities and gain benefits you didn’t think of. Your body language and demeanor become congruent. Consistently flow and feel the endorphins throughout the day. Make stretching a part of your exercise. Consistently learn how to eat right, consistently learn how to exercise, and consistently learn how to stretch so you see consistent results without getting injured.

4. Spiritual
We have freedom. You can believe in what you believe in. I’m spiritual, I believe in all faiths. I think there will be others. That’s for me. I pray to one god (universal god) in the evening and silently pray throughout the day when something good happens or when I need to reduce stress. What’s your faith? Who do you pray to?

Transform your performance.  Work on your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual constructs to be the best.

Leadership: Winning Compassionately/Fight/Flight Response

“Implement the winning compassionately/fight/flight response.” – Raj Gavurla

The winning compassionately/fight/flight response is an upgrade to the psychology fight/flight response. During our day at work we want better results by consistent performance improvement. When working with teams and during this election year I observe the need for people to work as a team. On a great team each person has a voice for the betterment of the team and to better themself.

fight and flight response

However, I’ve seen some team members implement their fight response when they have someone expressing a viewpoint unique from theirs. They communicate their position as does the other person. However, with a not so good team one or both implement their flight response if they don’t hear what they want to hear. They create a sub team because they think the other person is wasting their time and they don’t include their teammate who has a unique viewpoint.

Why? Because they implement their flight response. To them, it’s easier to flee (flight) then have a mature conversation without someone exploding or getting ticked off. Instead of doing so, add a new mental construct called the winning compassionately response.

The winning compassionately response keeps each team member involved and engaged. If done good, it creates better results and teammates learn by seeking to know their teammates to better understand themself. Then, in current and future situations your team and you perform better. It’s a better habit for you and your team to implement. The rewards are enormous. Most notably, you have a more enjoyable and fun workplace (environment), less stress, and your team and you achieve more.

During the presidential political campaign in the The United States of America you hear candidates talk about we need to fight this or that. Implementing their fight/flight response. Instead, how about using the new mental construct, winning compassionately response, for vanguard leadership making America and the world experience winning compassionately by showing the rise of humanity (good prevails over evil).

Continuous maturing, development, and growth brings more peace and prosperity for everyone. There would be a whole lot more progress, achievements, and successes worth talking about than what exists now.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

4 Signs Your Team Has What It Takes to Compete

By: Craig Cincotta


No matter what industry you are in, there is one certainty every business needs to prepare for: competition.

It doesn’t matter if you are a startup or a Fortune 500 company, you are vying for dollars and mindshare against people who have the same vision and ambition as you. Read More

My Comment: Excellent article on being a team

4 Types of Lights Control Mood of Room

By: Sarah Colburn


Jessica Soldner of Discrete Designs likens great lighting to an amazing photograph: The viewer may not always be able to pinpoint exactly what makes it stand out but most often, she said, it’s the lighting. Read More

My Comment: Excellent article on setting the mood with lighting

SEO: Measuring Key Performance Indicators

By: Jill Kocher


One of the most rewarding aspects of improving an ecommerce site is the ability to measure the bottom-line impact of your search engine optimization program.

Conversion measurement is theoretically simple with ecommerce: Did the visitor buy something? Informational sites have to approximate engagement with vague measures, like newsletter sign-ups and coupon downloads. Ecommerce sites typically count these among their conversion types as well, but the ability to track impact on revenue is central to performance measurement. From revenue, you may even be able to measure profit and calculate other specific business drivers. Read More

My Comment: Does your SEO work?

Entrepreneurial Shift: Better Results In Less Time

While networking I met a guy who had the same twelfth grade English teacher as me. He asked, what do I remember about her? I said, “she liked tools”. Besides teaching English, she felt a sense of nostalgia when she saw tools neatly stored on a peg board in a tool shed. I also remembered, it being the first time I gave a speech. Preparing was a daunting task; however, she gave the class a tool for speech preparation. Her tool was to open with something memorable to get the audience’s attention. Therefore, I opened my speech in French.

There is also an entrepreneurial thinking tool to be entrepreneurial. People associate being entrepreneurial with starting a business. This is a form of entrepreneurship, however, there is intrapreneurship (corporate entrepreneurship), and the application of entrepreneurial thinking in our work and daily living.  People focus on creating a better service or product to be entrepreneurial. How do they come up with a creative innovative idea?

There are several entrepreneurial thinking tools to stimulate entrepreneurial ideas and determine whether your service and/or product are entrepreneurial.  One of my entrepreneurial thinking tools is a simple graph showing better results vs. less time.

entrepreneurial shift








If your service and/or product can produce better results but not in less time then it’s not entrepreneurial. If your service and/or product can’t produce a better result but can be done in less time it’s not entrepreneurial. However, if your service and/or product can produce better results in less time then it’s entrepreneurial.

Examples: Carriage buggy vs. car, typewriter vs. computer, ship vs. plane, shorter route to work, learn a tip to make something easier to do in less time, no internet vs. internet, land line vs. cell phone, no exercise vs. exercise, no nutrition vs. nutrition

Therefore, take a look at the marketplace. Can you create an entrepreneurial shift (ES) by raising the bar to produce better results in less time? How about applying the tool in your productivity at work or in something you are passionate about at home?

By having an entrepreneurial tool you’ll reduce apathy and create natural endorphins seizing opportunity and stimulating you to the next level of success.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

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