Tag Archives for " stress "

Get It Done

“Get it done.” – Raj Gavurla 

Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life

For those using my Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook, are you making sure you are writing your clear goal before actually taking action.   It will show you how much easier it is to experience intelligent breakthroughs in your performance and life by doing so.

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

“The Zone” Effect

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.

It was Saturday morning and I drove to attend a community breakfast at Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church.  It’s always nice and amazing meeting people and making friends in their place of worship.  There was an unexpected success.  The pastor wanted me to say the prayer before eating.  My day became auspicious (type of day to write in my workbook).  As I mentally prepared, I told myself “talk from the heart” .   We prayed and it was the first time I’ve lead a prayer in public.  I don’t have the words to describe the amazing feeling running through me.  An amazing “the zone” experience I will recall often.Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

Here’s an exercise for you?  Describe what causes performance anxiety and stress.  Then, change each factor so you experience “the zone” the next time you are scheduled to perform.  Performance anxiety and stress are usually caused by a time crunch (doing too much in too little time), environmental, relationship issue, or over thinking.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments

can change the course of your life.” – Christopher Germer

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Performance Breakthroughs Tool

“Consistently perform breakthroughs more often.” – Raj Gavurla

For performance breakthroughs to recur you need to consistently learn new knowledge to you, use deliberate practice to prepare for each experience, and apply the skills for better outcomes and wins to come to you.

Helping professionals and amateurs in business, life, and athletics what separates tConsistently Performhe pros from each other and the amateurs from each other are their performance mental skills.

Most of the elite pros have the technique whereas amateurs are in development of technique before becoming professional.  As a pro and amateur, you need to work on consistently transforming your performance mental skills.

After each deliberate practice or experience/event measure (7 is best) yourself in the following performance breakthroughs areas:

1. Did you perform “in the zone” (peak performance, optimal performance)?


2. Technique (if you are an elite pro you should already be at a 7) 


3. Do you have anxiety?


4. Did you eat right?


5. Did you mentally prepare?


6. Did you physically prepare?


7. How was your focus/concentration?


8. How was your confidence?


9. Did you perform/play loose and relaxed?


10.  Did you believe you could perform a breakthrough?


11. Did you use emotion/sound (electrophysiology) for a competitive advantage?


12. Did you implement a new tactic/strategy?


13. Did you implement a new performance mental skill?


14. Did you feel pain?


15. How was your physical strength?


16. How was your stamina/endurance?


17. Did you mentally and verbally show appreciation/gratitude towards the people that made it possible for you to participate?


18. Did you complete your Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook to consistently perform breakthroughs more often?


19. What did you learn?


20. What will you work on to consistently perform better the next time?


21. What will you share with your coach, manager, supervisor, or boss?


22.  What will you share with your performance mental skills coach?


23.  Are you participating in more challenging practices and experiences/events?


24.  What is your vision for your next step?


25.  Are you enjoying and cherishing the amazing that is happening through your relationships?


26.  Did you have fun?


27.  Was it challenging/competitive?


28.  Is it becoming easier?


29.  Have you helped someone who isn’t at your skill level?


Total your number of points.  What range are you in?

Beginner:  29 – 57

Intermediate:  58 – 86

Advanced: 87 – 115

Emerging: 116 – 144

Star:  145 – 173

Super Star:  174 – 203

“Dream big dreams. Small dreams have no magic.” – Dottie Boreyko

For further help, my programs and services are booked by contacting Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgvaurla.com, LiiiVEN.